Review of the book Escolas e Professores proteger, transformar, valorizar, by António Nóvoa, in collaboration with Yara Alvim

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Guilherme do Val Toledo Prado


The present work aims to present a critical review of the last book by António Nóvoa published in Brazil in the year of 2022. The book was written in collaboration with Professor Yara Alvim and aims to raise the discussion about the education of teachers, which has become even more urgent due to the new demands imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic. The work was divided into six chapters, the first two addressing the need to reinvent the school, the third about the difficulties and solutions that teachers found during the pandemic. In the last three texts, the authors bet on the importance of initial and continuing education as a response to the desired transformations. The training model proposed by them suggests a third training space that is not just the university and not just the school, but a common house, in which the training of future teachers and the training of in-service teachers occur concomitantly, giving special attention to the entry of beginning teachers into the classroom, during the so-called Professional Induction period. This model takes us back to teacher training projects such as UniverCidade, organized by the University of Évora, and Teacher Training Complex carried out by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in which the relationships between all those involved, students, schools and universities take place in a dialogic, horizontal and collaborative way.


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MUNHOZ, L., & Prado, G. do V. T. (2022). Review of the book Escolas e Professores proteger, transformar, valorizar, by António Nóvoa, in collaboration with Yara Alvim. EduSer, 1(1).
Dossiê temático: Educação Decolonial Complexa: Re-ligações Complexas


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