Intercultural sensitivity an empirical study with PALOP students in higher education

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Rosa Novo
Ana Raquel Prada


This quantitative, exploratory, and cross-sectional study aimed to know the level of intercultural sensitivity of students from Portuguese-speaking African Countries of a higher education institution located in the north and interior of Portugal. A total of 76 students taken part, mostly female (69,74%), of which 7,89% were student-workers, with an average age of 21,86 years (SD = 6,00). Data was gathered through a survey composed of sociodemographic questions, and questions about the frequency of interaction with people from other cultures and the mastery of other languages. It also used the Intercultural Sensitivity scale. The results confirmed medium-high levels of intercultural sensitivity. It should also be noted that the levels of intercultural sensitivity didn’t differ according to students’ sex and age, nor with the frequency of interaction with people from another culture. However, mastering another language was a differentiating element. It was clear that students who mastered a language other than their mother tongue showed higher levels of intercultural sensitivity, felt more confident and were more involved in interacting with people from other cultures. In an increasingly multicultural higher education context, intercultural sensitivity is an essential skill. Although the data suggest that contact with people from other cultures can favor the development of intercultural sensitivity, future studies should deepen and explore how this contact takes place. From the discussion of the results achieved, recommendations appear to promote multi-ethnic recognition in higher education establishments.


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How to Cite
Novo, R., & Prada, A. R. (2022). Intercultural sensitivity: an empirical study with PALOP students in higher education . EduSer, 14(2).


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