Knowledge and practices of technicians about the social participation of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

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Andreia Soares
Rosa Novo
Ana Raquel Prada


This qualitative and exploratory research aims to explain the conceptions of technicians about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and the concept of social participation, as well as to identify factors facilitating and inhibiting social participation and outline recommendations for the promotion of social participation. A questionnaire and semi-structured interview were used. In this study ten technicians of both sexes, were involved in the preparation and implementation of individual development plans for users in institutions located in the north and interior of Portugal. The mean age of the interviewees was 32.70 years (SD = 6.72), and their professional experience ranged from 16 months to 15 years (M= 7.70; SD = 4.24). Considering the two thematic axes ("Perspectives on IDD" and "Social participation of people with IDD"), first and second-order categories were identified subsequently. Despite the heterogeneity of perceptions of the person with IDD, the medical-organic concept prevailed. Curiously, this conceptualization was not reflected in the understanding and practices of social participation, which were mainly characterized by the performance of socially oriented activities, in reciprocal social interactions in the community context, within the scope of family and friendship relationships. The institutional microsystem was identified as the main facilitator of social participation, while the constraints were mainly extrinsic and societal barriers. Considering these results, recommendations were discussed to promote the rights to social participation of people with IDD.


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Soares, A., Novo, R., & Prada, A. R. (2023). Knowledge and practices of technicians about the social participation of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. EduSer, 15(1).


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